Leah Moukarzel

Leah Moukarzel

Leah Moukarzel graduated from the Architectural Association (A.A.) in London in 2012 with a Master in Landscape Urbanism from which she received a Distinction for her thesis “Performative Ground Works”. Her graduate studies complement her first Diploma in Landscape Design and Eco-Management at the American University of Beirut (A.U.B.) in 2010, with Distinction.

Her dual interest in Landscape Architecture and Landscape Urbanism and her professional journey have been enriched by workshops (Japan, China, Spain, and London), internships (field experience and office experience in France and Japan), and work experience as a Project Landscape Architect at URBI Architects & Planners and LACECO Architects & Engineers.

Her participation to the “Workshop Atelier/Terrain” (WAT) of the UNESCO Chair in Landscape and Environmental Design of the University of Montreal (CUPEUM) for the city of Kobe, Japan in 2009 strengthened her perspective of Urban Design where her project “Merging Landscapes” received the first prize.

Her formation tackled different perspectives of the academic frame, including the many aspects of technical, cultural, and artistic components; assessing the conceptual approach of a problematic situation and taking into account the various aspects of a multi-layered field. The scale of projects she worked on range from particular limited settings, to large and complex ones in relation to the ecosystem and/or the urban/rural regeneration.